First of all, the intro to the gingerbread house is fantastic. Second, I love how you are evolving with your Substack. I've found the weekly posts (travel) for myself as a way to keep regularly posting, but I just post other pieces (personal or social commentary) as they come to me because, like you said, they are timely. Thank you for insuring me as a writer ❤️ PS, how do you get that recommendation prompt at the bottom of your posts when they show up online?

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Glad to help! As for the recommendation prompt -- I think that's through substack, not me! Happy writing!

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Hi Cole, I loved your intro about the gingerbread house. My Christmas tradition is picking out a special ornament for my daughter, son, and husband that somehow reflects their personality or interests, and I also pick out one for myself, and then we open them on Christmas Eve. I really value all these ornaments even though I'm not a person usually into decor or cutesy stuff, because each evokes a memory. The kids are excited to have their ornaments from their growing-up years on their own tree once they're adult enough to have a tree. Anyway ... thanks for getting me thinking about traditions. As for a publishing schedule, do what works! I admire how many branches you've grown on this newsletter platform, but it's OK to trim them back or prioritize one over another. Keep up the good work and happy new year!

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That's such a great tradition! My family used to give ornaments after dinner on Thanksgiving! We've kinda kept it up, but it's definitely cumbersome sometimes!

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I wholeheartedly endorse the idea of not feeling chained to a schedule. I read (or I used to read) some people who lashed themselves to the mast of a weekly or even bi-weekly schedule, and they ended up producing crap content sometimes, because they felt liked they “owed” it to their readers. My opinion is, the only thing you owe your readers is honesty and your unique approach to the world you’ve defined.

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I definitely think this is a problem. Publishing for the sake of publishing can definitely lead to a degradation in quality, in my opinion. There are newsletters I've unfollowed for the exact same reason. And honestly, Substack has been a great job making the newsletters easy to read everywhere, but getting push alerts in the app any time someone publishes has made me very cognizant of just how many writers I subscribe to.

A creator I REALLY love hearing from is Fog Chaser. He only publishes once per month, but you get a whole original song. It's so fun to listen to. I definitely recommend checking out his newsletter if you haven't already!

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