Love this, I spent the 20-21 ski season bumming up at steamboat in the ticket office (great crew)

I’d just started writing and I actually started a Google doc “people I met on chair lifts” and just started taking notes.

Crazy how many people you meet on the lift. I’ve shared ski lifts with not only my friends but also olympians, lifelong ski bums, entrepreneurs, parents, teenagers and everyone else.

My only regret was not taking more notes on who I shared ski lifts with

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This is such a cool idea! I have actually met an Olympian on the chair too; Excelerator and bee are great lifts for mixing with team USA. I always thought you could do a talk show with all the cool people you meet...

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Well written. That said, there are no friends on a powder day 😉

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Cole Noble

ski areas are essentially dense, walkable (skiable) communities full of amazing public transit (ski lifts) and people playing with their bodies. i have "ski lift" interactions all day long in my dense, walkable neighborhood. we need more parks and "third places" where chance encounters are more likely. what happens when we leave the mountain? we get into cars and isolate ourselves completely.

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This is true. I actually hadn’t considered this aspect. It sucks that a lot of our tech that theoretically closes distance between each other winds up being insulating or isolating.

Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts

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That statistic about prisoners getting more time outdoors than kids is terrifying and depressing...

I agree that outdoor activities tend to invite interactions more quickly - I've fist-bumped random strangers while mountain biking past them on the trail, and it's an easy conversation starter to ask someone about their bike in the parking lot. But most of the time those interactions don't turn into anything else. The interaction is just too short to become meaningful, I think.

I think the key might be putting yourself into situations where you have a chance to spend more time with those folks - I met my current best riding buddy (who has also become one of my best friends) just a couple years ago at a trail work party. Even then, it could have been a passing acquaintanceship if another friend hadn't thought to invite her on our next ride.

Making and keeping friends takes effort, and a willingness to push past the initial, "Hey, you seem like a cool dude/dudette!" As outdoor enthusiasts, we have so many opportunities to make friends - thanks for a great article and making us think about this!

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Absolutely true. One of my favorite biking experiences was with Club Scrub in South Florida. It was a biking group that would organize these late night trail rides, with bon fires and bbq's. Great way to meet new community members in a meaningful way.

My biggest piece of advice for anyone looking to make connections, would be to find groups like this.

Thanks for reading!

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I love chair lift talks. It's too complicated to take off gloves and get out a phone -- and risky since you might drop the gloves or phone -- so people just sit and talk. I found a similar dynamic as you describe while hiking parts of the Camino de Santiago last April, and I have since made a greater effort to make eye contact and small talk while waiting in line at the grocery store or post office. Thanks for your post!

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Talking in the grocery store is honestly a great way to practice. I give that advice to a lot of lonely young people who never learned to strike up a conversation

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Cole Noble

Love this. Ironic that something designed to keep us in touch is doing just the opposite and keeping us apart. Phones are not our friends. Wondering what the chairlift equivalent is for summer folk...

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Probably something to do with boats? Not sure! Chairlifts are a bit unique in that they force you to partner off with strangers. Climbing is also a forced team sport... I suppose the problem may be worse than I suspected

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I moved to my current home during the pandemic. It is absolutely the loneliest place I've ever lived in.

I don't fit in to the outdoor activities (hunting, fishing, boating, and oh yeah, drinking beer and sitting seem to rival the former.)

I'm the the flatlands of the Midwest coming out of Reno/Tahoe.

I don't have an answer but am trying to get my husband to consider moving. He's not a mountain or an ocean guy... might be challenging.

Anyway, great article.

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Thanks for reading. Sorry about the loneliness. But I really do think you can find groups of people in any hobby. Best of luck finding your people!!

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Very interesting observation, on the ski lift community and contemporary society in general. My home area is an independent area in Southern Vermont. We are not on any mega passes, and lift capacity is such that one can usually evade long lift lines, and attendants don't match up single or complete a quad chair unless the lines dictate it. Consequently, a lot of solo rides, even if there is a moderate queue. What I find interesting is the resulting dance. Some people will pull away, or pull back as we approach the lift to avoid riding together. The body language communication. Others, conversely, will ask if I mind them riding with me. The introvert/people person in me will sometimes ask if someone doesn't mind if I ride with them, and there is a varied level of interest returned in that. All said, some very interesting conversations occur, and sometimes connections with other mountain regulars, so we are no longer strangers.

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The singles line certainly is an exciting place isn’t it? I’ve only had a few people flat out refuse to ride with others, and it was during COVID. I think that season really disrupted things. They resorts wouldn’t always let you “hang out” with people outside your household.

I think a lot of the social changes will tragically become permanent

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