Love this: "make sure you are the one picking, doing what you want, and following your idea of adventure." I think this applies generally, as well. For example, I think about it with reading. Readers seem to read the books that others have already said that they like. With hikes, I wonder if amateur hikers just don't know any better. They went on the hike because someone told them to and they don't really know how to follow their own idea of adventure.

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I'm a big believer that people should find a mentor who can help them learn how to plan their own adventures. It's actually part of the reason I try to steer clear of recommending specific trails for my readers.

Thank you for reading!

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I couldn't agree more with this idea. It's terrible that something as freeing and nourishing as a hike has become so performative. We do it for a badge of honor or for accolades from others instead of our own enjoyment. Well said, Cole.

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Marc-André Leclerc took this mentality with climbing, before he passed: he had the mentality that you should go because you love it, not to conquer or win praise. He didn't care who knew he was climbing, just that he was climbing. It took me a long time to understand that. Thank you for reading!

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I agree with what you say. Also love the illustrations you put in!

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Thank you! I thought I'd try to make this feel more like a field journal

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Sep 30, 2021Liked by Cole Noble

So true. We live too much of our lives wondering what others will think of what we’re doing. I love getting back to the idea of doing things to fulfill your own desires and not to fill a post with photos and accumulate likes.

When you get older, the approval you gained from others for something you’ve done won’t matter as much as the moment you’ve done it. That take your breath away moment is what it’s all about. Thanks for the inspiration to look for the moments that matter to me...

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Thank you for reading! It's definitely tough advice to follow though. We get so entrenched in habits, sometimes we forget why we're doing them.

Getting back to that mindful contemplation in pursuit of what takes your breath away is so important!

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I can’t believe I wasn’t already subscribed to this! I loved this post. I definitely took up running because everyone told me I should. I ran a 10k because it was what the cool kids were doing. All I got out of it was severe knee pain and an aversion to running shoes.

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Thank you for your kind feedback! I actually had a similar experience with running. I ran cross country in high school and loved it mostly because of the people I ran with. A few of them started doing long races after we gradated, and I got the idea that I probably should too. I know some people absolutely love the sport and get a lot out of it. I'm just not one of them. I prefer hiking, climbing, and mountain biking!

Hope you found something you like better in the end!

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I did, I started boxing instead!

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That's fantastic! Glad you settled in on something you truly love. Thanks for sampling my newsletter, I hope you find more content you enjoy in the future as well!

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So true. I've never been big on tattoos, but after my spouse died, my oldest son had at least two lengthy consultations with a tattoo artist (Artist!) who has studied and worked and drawn all her life. After many hours he had a piece of unique, thought-infused, art on his body. Such a good comparison here, yes.

Though new to hiking, and a little terrified about what will be my first bear-encounter (I have to admit!), I do love the silence of hikes with no or few people. First hike this year, the only two people we saw was the one 20 minutes from the peak, who let us know a fire had moved from three ridges away to two, and he was coming down...so so did we, with only two hours before dark. The second person was an independent soul who was just coming up to get as far as he could before dark to pitch a tent--obviously a lover of solitude. And he offered us a ride in his 4X4 to get through the 1.5 hour of crazy rutted logging road...in the by-then dark. I suspect these two were angels in disguise :)

I am enjoying your newsletter--thank you!

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Thank you for sharing your experience, and for your kind comments. I'm glad you ran into people who were able to get you out of a potentially bad situation. Wildfires can be scary! Luckily bears don't have to be! I'm not sure if you've seen it, but my previous post is actually an interview about bears. We had a humorous discussion about Fat Bear Week, but also talked about some great resources for safe interactions with animals. After a few trips, you'll hardly worry about it!

I like the way you describe your son's tattoo as a piece of thought-infused art, done by a studied artist. That's exactly what I mean. I largely suspect tattoo artist are thrilled when they get to bring something creative to life like that -- and are bored senseless copying the same designs off the wall.

Glad to hear you like what you've read so far!

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Ah... I will most definitely check out your bear post. I feel like I need to get through and beyond the first encounter. And truly wherever there are more people is scarier in many ways, (like our local mountains here in Vancouver when I see the inviting garbage they leave behind!)

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95% of the time you'll never come face to face with the bear. They're naturally afraid of humans and only want your food. I may do a more in-depth post in the future about the Bear-muda triangle; an old time-tested way to keep yourself safe from critters when making camp!

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May 14, 2022Liked by Cole Noble

I’ve hiked the Adirondack 46 in my home state of New York and am now working through the 14ers in my adopted state of Colorado. Folks roll their eyes at these lists. They talk about crowds and overuse. Well sure, a few of these peaks fit that description, particularly in summer. They say a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds. But in this instance consistency has pushed me out of my comfort zone and into all sorts of non-crowd situations.

It’s meant snowshoeing 18 miles through deserted logging roads to Allen Mountain, running into just one other hiker the whole day (a French Canadian who didn’t speak English). It’s meant teeth-chattering drives along dirt roads in the impossibly rugged San Juan’s. For every conga line on Grays and Torrey’s in mid July there has been deserted, fogged out November summits on Colden.

The “lists” force me out and into the wild. I can’t just cherry pick convenient trailheads within a few hours drive. I can’t filter out passé, crowded locales or annoying weather days. The list means I need to experience it all. And that’s basically the best part.

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Great to run into a fellow New Yorker. I'm glad that you've seen these lists as a challenging way to push yourself!

I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with list hiking, particularly because of the reasons you describe. They're a great way to hold ourselves accountable and build toward long-term goals.

The thing I dislike about lists, is when they're used as a tool by other people to tell you how you should be enjoying the outdoors. Goals are more fun and fulfilling when we pick them out ourselves!

Thanks for reading and sharing your experience!

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