I hear you loud and clear. The sounds and rhythms of nature are speaking loudly to us currently. We work really hard to stay grounded in the midst of our screen time and recording technology. I live with musicians and in a recording studio and among some of the best recording technologists of our times. The challenges are real, urgently important. For our children and future generations. No recording can ever replace the live sounds of nature, voices, acoustic instruments.

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Absolutely agree. Technology is wonderful but the real thing is simply a different experience. Maybe someday our brightest minds will be able to recreate it. I doubt it though.

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Conscious slowness helps me a lot when I'm feeling stressed. Nature and silence are simply relaxing and healing in a way technology isn't. (Unless we're in a simulation, in which case, kudos engineers!)

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I definitely agree with the way nature helps us slow down! Modern things we associate with technology are designed to be as addicting as possible. Most of us need a dopamine detox.

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Love these posts, Cole. Thanks!

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Thank you!

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Sneaky cards sounds amazing. How come I am only finding out about them at today years old? And giving up your phone for a day is traumatic but a joy!

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I read a study recently that found people who keep their phone on silent actually wind up checking it more and get more anxious about the prospect of missing messages or calls, than people with a ringtone on.

I think checking our phones has become a conditioned response that we need to consciously break, for the sake of our own mental health. Thank you for reading!

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Two things:

1) This is one of the reasons I often like to run without headphones. Not only am I more aware of potential danger (read: traffic), but it leaves me alone with my thoughts instead of trying to fill my brain with more noise.

2) I'm totally buying this game for my friend. It's right up her alley!

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The cards are great fun! Great point about running without headphones. I love biking along a little creek. Hearing the water rushing over the rocks... the birds calling out as I go by... it's part of the fun! Otherwise, why not just run on a treadmill at a gym?

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Appreciate the shoutout, Cole! Great piece.

I highly recommend checking out the work of Gordon Hempton (https://www.soundtracker.com/), who I first learned about on Chris Morgan's podcast, The Wild (https://kuow.org/stories/the-wild-episode-12)

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Thanks for reading! Looking forward to sharing our entire discussion next week!

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I've lived with tinnitus in one--mostly deaf--ear since 2009. Even when we are at the summit, middle of the night, I carry noise inside me. Sometimes, in all that wonderful quiet up there (which causes the tinnitus to seem to be more), I try to recreate silence in my imagination.

Do take every opportunity to enjoy!

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That has to be tough, when the quiet makes things louder for you. Kudos for working to recreate the silence for yourself though. And thank you for reading!

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